Gathering of the clan
Here's a press cutting from the local Gazette and Herald newspaper about the Gingell reunion held on 6th May 2007.
Click the image below to view the cutting full size.

You can also read the story online at -
Organiser Mary Whitehead has sent £92.50 to Cancer Research - this was the money left over after paying for the hire of hall and money from raffle tickets.
Here's some more photos from the day. If you have any more please feel free to send them to me.
Christine Norris and Craig Gingell -

From Christine Norris, "Please find attached photo that I thought might be of interest to you... the lady in the wheel chair is Dorothy Gladys Matthew. She is my 4th cousin once removed... the link James Long and Annie Gingell... to my right is her husband Arthur Ernest Gingell... he is my 3rd cousin once removed... the Link Albert Frederick Gingell 1886 who married my Great Grandmothers Cousin Eliza Jane Wiltshire... so I have a conection both sides.... Can you link into this anywhere... the family goes back to Giles Gingell and Mary Pritchard... Also in the photo is Mary Wright daughter of Ernest and Gladys who is my 4th Cousin.." -

Christine Norris, Craig Gingell and Mary Whitehead - with David Wright taking the photo -

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