Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Mr and Mrs Frank Gingell

Anyone recognise this picture of Mr and Mrs Frank Gingell from 1977 I found while surfing the net?

extract from the website reads:

"The Silver Threads celebrate with Mr and Mrs Frank Gingell on their Diamond Wedding Anniversary on 3rd May 1977"

[ Keevil - A Wiltshire Village ]

Fred Gingell

Anyone recognise this picture of Corsham Cricket Club from 1936 I found while surfing the net?

(click image to view full size)

extract from the website reads:

"The picture shows E.W. (Bill) Gale, captain of the team, with Harold (HGG) Gale sat before him. Two to Bill Gale’s left is sat Fred Gingell, who played well into his 60’s, and Dr. John Eagles, resplendent in his striped blazer (left, back row). Despite a modest playing career either side of the War, Dr. Eagles is well remembered for his eccentric behaviour, and his peculiar ‘lob’ bowling style, which accounted for more than one bemused opponent."

It came from here -

[ The History of Corsham Cricket Club ]

Matthew Gingell

Anyone recognise this picture of Matthew Gingell I found while surfing the net?

It came from here -

[ TeleCity Newsletter ]

Roy Gingell

Anyone recognise this picture of Roy Gingell I found while surfing the net?

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Pending updates

Apologies for the total lack of Blog entries since September 2004. I'm kind of getting back on track, but I currently have over 100 email messages "pending" in my inbox.

I'm carefully working my way through them all, so if you've written recently please bear with me as I hope to get through the backlog with the next few weeks.

Graham Gingell

Anyone recognise this picture of Graham Gingell I found while surfing the net?

It came from here -

[ Drip Action - A Review of The Weir ]