Wednesday, February 13, 2008

From THE TIMES 20 May 1873

I was sent this information by Allan Gingell.


At the MANSION-HOUSE yesterday ARTHUR STRUDWICK, a working lighterman, was summoned for having, on the 6th of May, infringed the 16th by-law of the Thames Conservancy Board by employing one person only on board a barge above 50 tons burden for its navigation and management. The defendant pleaded "Guilty." It was stated that the defendant was in the service of Mr. Gingell, of Red Lion Warf, whose foreman had lately been fined 2o and costs for a precisely similar act. The defendant, replying to the Court, said he know he was breaking the law, but asked what he was to do if his master sent him out alone and refused to employ other men. Sir Robert Carden said after the caution he gave Mr. Gingell and his foreman last week he must impose a heavier penalty - viz., 3o and costs, and if any other cases came before him he should inflict still higher fines. The money was at once paid.

Does anyone know who this Mr Gingell might be?